This Raw Garlic Chutney (Poondu Thovaiyal) is my mom’s recipe, and I fondly remember her making this chutney on ammi kal when I was a kid (she now uses a mixie to make this chutney!).
This simple chutney goes very well as a side dish with idli and dosa, and is made with raw garlic and red chilies and enjoyed with generous amount of sesame oil poured over it. I frequently crave for this chutney and make it about once a month and enjoy! You can also use this chutney to make “Garlic Chutney Dosa” – tastes so yummy (recipe in separate post). The leftover chutney can as well be used to make regular recipes that calls for garlic (tastes so yum if you make Garlic Eggplant Fry with this chutney and a little turmeric!).
Because this chutney is made with raw garlic (your breath will have strong raw garlic smell), just be mindful if you have any plans later in the day (or during the night!!!). If you are still very compelled to tryout this chutney, don’t worry, just make and enjoy this chutney but make sure you chew on some mint or rinse your mouth with mouth freshener afterwards…!!!
I forewarn you, it maybe love at first sight with this chutney after you make it the very first time (due to its gorgeous red color), but it may not be love at first bite (due to its strong pungent taste from raw garlic). If you do not like it the first time, maybe you will start liking it after trying it out few times so not give up easily (sapida sapida pidikalam!). My wife does not like it still, but with my son the situation looks promising, he seemed to have finally liked it when I made this today…
Raw garlic has been used as medicine for over thousands of years. It has potent medicinal chemicals and compounds with germicidal properties that help with common cold, reducing blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels/ heart health, bone health, athletic performance, sexual health, fighting alzheimer/ dementia and detoxifying heavy metals.
Convinced to try out my recipe at least for the medicinal benefits of raw garlic? Here you go!

Garlic Chutney
Unique tasting chutney for idli/ dosa made with raw garlic, roasted red chilies and enjoyed with sesame oil drizzled over it.
- 15 cloves Garlic
- 4 Red chilies
- 50 ml Sesame oil
- Salt to taste
Peel and chop the garlic to small pieces. Dry roast the red chilies for 30 secs. Add garlic, roasted red chilies, salt and sesame oil into a mixie and grind to a fine paste (buttery consistency). Check and adjust salt level.
Enjoy with hot steaming idlis, dosas. Remember to drizzle more sesame soil over the chutney while serving.
Recipe Notes
- No water should be added while making this chutney!
- If we can make this chutney in ammi kal, there is no need to add sesame oil while making it, but who can use ammi kal these days? As we will be making small quantity of chutney in mixie, it makes it easier if you add sesame oil to it while grinding.
- Leftover chutney stores well in the fridge for few days and you can make yummy Garlic Chutney Dosa using this chutney (that recipe on a separate post). You can use this chutney when making your regular stir fries, curries etc.
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