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tips I need to do part 2 of yesterday’s blog as I have few more things to ponder: how come some people can eat any veggies in any form, while some cannot even eat their favorite veggies when they are cooked slightly differently than what they are used to? Let us...
You may say what is there to talk about reheating food, just put the food you want to reheat on a plate or bowl and simply microwave… Over the years, I have learnt many subtle tricks for best ways to reheat food (Indian food and snacks in particular) and still...
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About Me
Hello, my name is Senthil. I am a passionate food blogger from Houston, Texas. This is my online kitchen, and I will be cooking delicious recipes for you, provide kitchen tips that I have learned over the years, and share personal stories and fond memories around food. Keep checking out for new stuff!