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Tips We are right now at war with the invisible coronavirus, and it has definitely put us in the back foot at the moment. Studies about the coronovirus have clearly shown that patients with stronger immune system fare better when infected by it. And talking about the immune boosting foods that...
Dear Senthil’s Kitchen family and friends: The COVID-19 outbreak has put all of us in a tight spot; the entire world is being stunned with a pandemic none of us have ever witnessed in our lifetimes. The last known pandemic of this magnitude, the Spanish Flu of 1918 infected around...
How many of you know what is meant by “Kitchen Sink” in the cooking parlance? It means, “Everything, but the kitchen sink…”. I got introduced to this concept when I first tasted the “Kitchen Sink Cookies” from Whole Foods Market. My colleague from New Orleans buys these cookies for our...
Sambar is my ULTIMATE comfort food (if I have to pick just one dish out of all dishes in the world as my favorite, I will pick sambar); sambar is also the most favorite dish for my wife and son. At our home, we eat sambar at least 4 days...
Idli Just a mention of this word is enough to brighten me up anytime of the day, and I don’t care if idli is mainly a breakfast item, I can eat it whenever… If you have to pick the most popular breakfast item from each state in India, idli will...
I was listening to this wonderful composition from my favorite music director Ilayaraja, “En Kanmani En Kadhali” from the movie “Chittukuruvi” while traveling to work this morning. That song uses a concept called “counterpoint”. What is “counterpoint”, you may ask? In layman’s terms, counterpoint is defined as this: when two...
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